Are you constantly spammed with emails from random Nigerian Prince's, people who have won the 100 Million Powerball prize and looking to share it out, or the FBI needing your address and bank account details?
These are all the typical scams that go around regularly in order to dupe people out of their personal information.
In this post we are going to show you ways to protect your device and indeed yourself from getting scammed by these cyber criminals.

For businesses, it is employees that are usually the weak link and the cause of the major hackings that make the news and for many companies, end up destroying them.
1) Delete spam emails
If you see an email that does not look legitimate or has ended up in your spam or junk folder, then certainly you should just delete it as it is likely that it didn't pass the spam filters for this reason.
2) Don't download attachments
This is a critical point and the root cause of many of the large hackings in the major companies. Attachments from fraud emails usually contain malware that can infiltrate an internal network which also gathers personal information and more.
There have been instances of where companies have failed as a result of a major data breach from a hacking.
3) Train employees with cyber awareness courses
Get your employees to carry out a cyber awareness course to make them aware of the threats that are online at the moment.
This also makes staff aware of the procedures that should be undertaken should they be targeted with a hacking attack.
Here are more cyber security tips for your employees
If you are in business then you should take the time to train your employees and ensure that all your staff are careful when it comes to phishing emails